Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration is a collaborative of over 115 organizations and thousands of individuals all working toward the same goals.

Our Vision

The Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration (MI-CEMI), is a broad-based, statewide, non-partisan collaboration representing non-profit, faith-based, advocacy, grassroots, and service organizations united to end mass incarceration in Michigan. The Collaborative seeks to create and restore healthy communities.

MI-CEMI has adopted the following goals and objectives to be effective by the year 2035:

Front End Off Ramps: 50% reduction in admissions to prison and jail through the increased use of diversionary programs that meet the goals of sentencing.

Programming: 75% of the population in each prison facility shall be engaged in productive activities at least 30 hours per week.

Sentencing: 50% reduction in the average length of stay of persons admitted to prison through the implementation of sentencing and parole reforms.

Reentry: 50% reduction in the return-to-prison rate for persons released from State prison, through a rededication to the Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative Model, which includes full community engagement and community funding control, codified in law.

About Us

Like our resolution states, members can be justice advocacy 501(c)3 non-profit / educational organizations, associations or grassroots groups.

Join Us

Signing the resolution does not make you obligated to attend meetings or volunteer. It simply means you support our goals! Similarly, you may become a member and attend meetings or volunteer without signing the resolution. Do what’s best for you!

© 2023 Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration