Impact Language Glossary & Webinar: How to Use Language Within Media to Shape Perception and Policy

MI-CEMI’s recent webinar, “How to Use Language Within Media to Shape Perception and Policy.” Featured a panel of experts providing hands-on learning experience that demonstrated how we can collectively use language to shift the narratives surrounding mass incarceration, as well as dispute myths and misconceptions. 

We engaged in an in-depth analysis of our new resource, the Impact Language Glossary, aimed to help amplify the importance of our work through evidence-based common language. The glossary includes definitions of commonly used terms that could be damaging, along with recommendations for alternatives that better fit different scenarios.

The discussion was hosted from 1-2:30 p.m. EST on March 13. Check out the YouTube video to hear from members of Piper & Gold Public Relations, Michigan Center for Youth Justice, The Sentencing Project and Dream.Org