Removing barriers and increasing support for individuals returning home from prison is essential to fostering successful reintegration and building stronger communities. Many formerly incarcerated people face significant challenges, such as limited access to housing, employment, education, and healthcare, which can hinder their ability to rebuild their lives. These barriers often perpetuate cycles of poverty and recidivism, undermining public safety and equity.
By removing these obstacles and providing robust support systems—such as job training, mental health services, and stable housing—we can empower returning citizens to thrive, contribute to society, and break the cycle of incarceration. Investing in reentry is not only a matter of justice but also a smart, compassionate approach to creating a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.
At MI-CEMI, we are committed to achieving:
“a 50% reduction in the return-to-prison rate for persons released from state prison by improving supports and removing barriers to successful reentry.“
– MI-CEMI Resolution
Michigan Reentry Convening
The Michigan Reentry Convening took place at Lansing Community College West Campus, bringing together formerly incarcerated individuals, nonprofit service providers, advocacy organizations, and government agencies. The event fostered a shared understanding of Michigan’s reentry landscape, allowed participants to learn from local and national peers, and developed a collaborative policy agenda to improve reentry outcomes.

Attendees created structures to advance this agenda and built lasting relationships among reentry advocates statewide.
The convening was organized by the Center for Employment Opportunities, the State Appellate Defender Office, the Center for Justice Innovation, and the Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration.
Returning Citizens Initiative
Together, we see and understand the challenges incarcerated Michigander’s face when leaving prison without the basic paperwork necessary to find employment, apply for public benefits, access medical care, or secure housing. The issue of recidivism is inextricably linked with a formerly incarcerated person being denied access to the vital documents needed to participate in society.
Recently, Governor Whitmer vetoed HB 4191-4194, bills that would have provided state IDs to individuals upon release from prison. While these bills aimed to codify existing practices, they conflicted with previously passed legislation expanding voter registration access for people exiting prison. Although the veto is frustrating, it highlights the need for clear, cohesive policies that ensure returning citizens can access identification without compromising other critical reforms.
It is time for Michigan to join the 19 other states that already have laws in place to help returning citizens access identification.
As advocacy, direct service, business, and faith-based organizations, we are committed to reducing return-to-prison rates and ensuring formerly incarcerated individuals have the tools they need to thrive.
Learn More:
- Organizational Sign-on Letter: Read the letter here.
- Read the Press Release: Explore the details of our efforts and the importance of ensuring access to state IDs for returning citizens here.
- In the News: Click on each of the photos below to read articles on the issue.
Budget Advocacy

Michigan has been a leader in smart criminal legal reforms that prevent crime, address the root causes of violence, and reduce the harmful impacts of mass incarceration on communities of color and low-income families.
Michigan is safer and more prosperous when we:
- Prevent crime through community violence intervention rather than only count on police to respond after the fact.
- Ensure that we are not improperly holding people in prison by adequately funding conviction integrity units and appeals to criminal convictions.
- Prepare people for successful reentry and employment while they are incarcerated by eliminating barriers to education and medical care.
- Remove barriers to employment and housing by ensuring that people who have benefited from Clean Slate expungements know about this and no longer check the felony conviction box.
A coalition of Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration, Citizens for Prison Reform, Force Detroit, Michigan Cure (MI-CURE), Organization of Exonerees, Progress Michigan, Safe & Just Michigan, and State Appellate Defender Office have developed a set of Investing on a Safer Michigan Budget Recommendations and community sign-on letter.

The budget letter was signed by the following organizations;

Fair Chance Housing
MI-CEMI believes that every Michigander deserves a place to call home. A stable home is an essential foundation for people rebuilding their lives after arrest or incarceration. Studies show that securing housing is crucial to education, health, and economic mobility. Stable housing has also been linked to decreased crime and improved public safety. However, many people with conviction histories are shut out of the rental market.

With the Fair Chance Access to Housing Act, Michigan can give people with conviction histories increased access to housing and a chance to thrive.
Trauma-Informed Peer-Led Reentry
The Trauma-Informed Peer-Led Reentry (TIPLR) program by MI-CEMI Steering Team members Nation Outside is designed to support individuals transitioning from incarceration back into the community.
This initiative leverages the insights of those with lived experiences and trauma-informed coaching to address reentry challenges and reduce recidivism. A distinctive aspect of TIPLR is the relationship between peers and peer navigators, fostering trust through shared experiences. This bond is pivotal in navigating the complexities of reentry.

Program Expansion: In March 2024, Nation Outside partnered with the Michigan Department of Corrections to broaden TIPLR’s reach.
With a $2 million state earmark, the program now serves seven counties: Genesee, Ingham, Kalamazoo, Macomb, Oakland, Wayne, and Washtenaw. This expansion aims to provide comprehensive support to more individuals reintegrating into society.
Key Features of the TIPLR Program:
- Personalized Support: Assistance in obtaining essential documents and accessing community resources.
- Housing and Employment: Guidance in securing stable housing and pursuing employment or educational opportunities.
- Healthcare Access: Help with obtaining medical insurance and connecting with healthcare providers.
Occupational Licensing for Healthcare Providers
Safe & Just Michigan, an active MI-CEMI Steering Team member, are engaged in efforts to reform occupational licensing laws, particularly focusing on reducing barriers for individuals with criminal records who seek employment in licensed professions, including healthcare. Their advocacy emphasizes that restrictive licensing laws often prevent qualified individuals from entering the workforce, which can hinder reintegration and negatively impact community safety. You can read more here.