Steering Team Members

Organizations interested in becoming a Steering Team Member may do so by applying. An organization applying must have at least one person act as a representative of that organization during Steering Team meetings. The Steering Team will consist of up to 15 members, elected by consensus, and will represent the following:

  • The convening organization for the Collaborative
  • The chairs of each Priority Project Workgroup
  • A Grassroots Capacity-Building/Advocacy Organization 
  • Various organizations working on criminal justice issues in Michigan
  • At least one organization of justice-impacted people.


Steering Team Responsibilities

In order to remain in good standing, all Steering Team members must commit to the following:

  •  Attend monthly phone/ in-person meetings.
  •  Complete work assignments in between meetings.
  •  Actively recruit, engage and retain general members.
  • Make an annual contribution to support MI-CEMI according to their organization’s annual budget.
    • $1 million or more = $1,200
    • $500K < $1 million = $500
    • $250 K < $500 K – $250
    • <$250 K = $100
    • Individual = $10-$100


Steering Team Authority

The Steering Team is empowered to do the following on behalf of MI-CEMI:

  • Make decisions, including commitments, and endorsements.
  • Enter into contracts.
  • Apply for funding to support the work of the collaborative
  • Coordinate the development and execution of organizational strategies.
  • Host an annual membership meeting.


Steering Team Meetings

  • Phone and in-person meetings will be open and conducted by a professional facilitator.
  • The Steering Team will make decisions based on consensus. 
  • Any steering or general member may bring a project forward for formal MI-CEMI endorsement.
  •  The Steering Team may create ad hoc committees to support an approved project.
    • Ad hoc committees are open to general members.


Become a member.