
  • Grand Rapids Events Illuminate Second Chance Month

    West Michigan has a proud history of supporting second chances.  Come out for these events to celebrate second chances and build support for second look legislation. And be sure to sign the petition below to show that people across Michigan support second chances.

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  • Unlocking the Narrative: Building Safe Communities for all

    On April 25th we hosted a presentation by Insha Rahman, Vice President for Advocacy and Partnerships at the Vera Institute of Justice and Director of Vera Action where she discussed insights in national and Michigan research on crime and safety messaging. Discover effective strategies to shape the narrative, and beat tired “tough on crime” opposition…

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  • Empower Reentry: Unlocking Opportunities for All Michiganders

    “You can’t get a job or an apartment without your birth certificate and state ID.” – Chuck Warpehoski, MI-CEMI Program Director On January 25th 2024, released an article entitled, ‘Legislation seeks to ensure inmates have personal identification documents upon release.‘ The Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration advocates for a package of bills awaiting…

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